The Growing Importance of HR in an Organization’s Success

By Kimberly Kafafian


As the saying goes, a company is only as good as its people. We’ll take that a bit further and say that your people are only as good as the effort, the investment, you put into them. And that is where we come in; as Human Resources professionals play an integral part in hiring, training, and retaining those people. We see first hand how those efforts and initiatives help to cultivate an engaged, productive workforce. And given the state of the current labor environment, HR’s role is growing in importance. In fact, according to LinkedIn’s latest Workplace Learning Report, 83% of global leaders feel the HR function is more critical now than it has ever been.

Why? Because creating an interested and agile workforce that will enable the organization to survive, and even thrive, during challenging times, hinges on making sure that all employees have the tools, skills, and career paths to succeed. And this falls under the umbrella of HR teams.

Career Pathing

Taking the steps to define a career trajectory for your workers can help prevent turnover. The HR team can work with leadership to identify the promotions, lateral moves, job rotations and professional development/training opportunities that will enable the employee to grow with the company. This initiative is well worth the investment. A previous LinkedIn study found that 94% of employees would stay with their company longer if it invested in their careers. Workplace systems structured by HR teams, such as employee education, performance assessment, and promotions, will aid in creating a framework for developing career paths.

Learning and Development

The best way to boost retention is to provide learning opportunities. 58% of employees say they are likely to leave their company without “professional development, continuing education, and career training to help develop new skills, stay up to date on current trends, and drive career advancement.” HR are integral in developing training initiatives that not only improve existing skill sets, but also offer opportunities to train in other areas to help further career development. Arranging for courses, workshops, lunch-and-learns, and other events that enable employees to stay on top of the latest trends and developments will show the workforce that you are invested in their careers.

Upskilling and Reskilling

61% of workers say upskilling is extremely or very important when weighing the decision to remain at their current job. But upskilling isn’t only important for retention, it also helps to minimize skills gaps in the workplace. HR’s involvement in upskilling is critical as they are responsible for:

  • Setting goals
  • Analyzing skill gaps across departments
  • Understanding employee goals and motivations
  • Determining who needs upskilling
  • Designing learning programs for career paths
  • Selecting appropriate learning technologies
  • Cultivating a culture of learning

Demonstrating investment in the skills and career development of your workforce will go a long way in boosting engagement, reducing turnover, and attracting the right talent. With it being HR’s role to ensure that employees have the tools, skills, and opportunities to reach their full potential, these members are instrumental in an organization’s ultimate success.

What to Do When an Employee Abandons their Job

By Kimberly Kafafian


One day an employee just doesn’t show up for work. No phone call, no email, no text – no explanation. The next day, the same thing occurs. And the day after that, still no contact. Their actions are impacting your ability to run your business. What can you do about their abandonment? Below are some tips to help you address the situation, along with strategies to prevent it from happening again in the future.

What Constitutes Job Abandonment?

Job abandonment occurs when an employee does not show up for work and does not notify the employer of their intention to quit. By not communicating with the employer, it is assumed that the employee has abandoned their job.

There are no federal or state laws that specify the number of days that must pass before abandonment applies, but the most common time period is three business days. In some states, existing case law may establish what is considered a reasonable time period. If an organization has a job abandonment policy in place that outlines the number of days, that is the time period that would apply.

Actions to Take When an Employee Abandons Their Job

If you believe an employee as abandoned their position, you should take the following actions:

Assess the Situation
Not all failures to show up or call in are necessarily job abandonments. There is the possibility that the employee was not able to make contact, such as in a medical emergency. It is important to conduct an investigation to uncover the cause and mitigate any liability. Contact the employee, via phone and email, to find out why they did not come to work and ask if they plan on returning. If you are not able to connect with the employee on the first day, try again – multiple times – over the next few days, until the minimum number of days that is considered abandonment has lapsed. You should also reach out to the employee’s emergency contact and let them know you have been trying to get in touch with the employee. If all of these contact attempts fail, send the employee a letter to their home address noting the dates of missed work and all of your attempts to reach them, and advising that if they don’t contact you within seven days you will consider their non-response to be job abandonment.

Record Everything
Make sure you record all of your contact attempts and place this information in the employee’s personnel file. It is very important to keep track of your actions.

Send a Termination Letter
If you are not able to make contact with the employee despite your efforts, and they have not responded to your letter, send them a termination of employment letter. Be very specific in this letter by including:

  • hat they are being terminated because of job abandonment
  • The dates of missed work
  • Your attempts to contact them
  • Your rules for return of any company property
  • A contact they can reach out to with questions
  • Any required COBRA and insurance paperwork
  • Last paycheck if required

Steps to Prevent Job Abandonment

Create a Job Abandonment Policy

To avoid any confusion, you should create a job abandonment company policy, which is included in your employee handbook and any online employee portals, that states:

  • How many no shows or no calls constitutes job abandonment
  • The consequences of abandoning your job, i.e., that it is considered voluntary termination, which prevents collecting unemployment benefits

This policy should also address short-term disability, as well as the Family Medical Leave Act, specifically outlining that if the employee does not show up to work for a specific number of days and fails to request a leave of absence for a medical or family emergency, or fails to file disability paperwork, they will be deemed to have abandoned their job.

You should also have a policy in place for how you will investigate and take action on possible job abandonment, such as:

  • How you will attempt contact
  • How many times you will attempt contact
  • How you will record your attempts
  • How you will send out termination letter if all attempts fail
  • Having clear policies in place will let employees know the consequences of their failure to call in or come to work.

Build a Culture Where Employees Feel Appreciated

People abandon their jobs because they are not happy with them. If you want to prevent job abandonment, create a culture where your workers feel valued, appreciated, and heard. Offer lenient personal and sick time. Encourage communication and sharing of ideas. Take an active role in, and provide opportunities for, professional development. Consider benefits beyond salary. If possible, be flexible with where and when employees work.

If you need help developing job abandonment policies, or enhancing your culture, schedule a free consultation to talk to one of our HR experts.

Layoffs Are Impacting DEIB Progress

By Nicole Martin


The recent sweeping layoffs across tech and other industries are cutting costs at the expense of DEIB. These moves are not only impacting workers’ livelihoods and the economy, they’re also affecting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives. How? According to new data from Revelio Labs, DEIB positions are being disproportionately affected by the cuts. Eliminating these positions will have a ripple effect on hiring and retention.

Revelio found that over 300 DEI professionals from large companies, such as Amazon, Twitter and Nike, have left in the last six months. Given that diversity teams are typically small in nature, even at large corporations, these cuts could mean the dismantling of the entire diversity team – a move companies will likely regret making down the road.

Hiring for these positions has also stalled. As Bloomberg recently noted, hiring for Chief Diversity and Inclusion officers declined 4.5% in 2022, and listings for DEI roles dipped 19%.

And this is all happening while we are simultaneously seeing a decline in diverse hiring. Revelio found that TripAdvisor, Wells Fargo, American Airlines, Honeywell, Walmart, IBM, and Capital One, are among the employers with the largest declines in diverse hires among companies that have experienced recent layoffs. Not likely a coincidence.

Cutting back in this area, along with a noticeable dip in diversity hiring, by such large companies could cause a ripple effect with smaller organizations whose budgets for these roles is even smaller.

The Negative Effects of Eliminating DEIB Roles

Laying off or failing to hire specialized DEIB positions could signify a bigger issue: placing less of a priority in DEIB moving forward. As an HR professional, this to me is a red flag to which we need to pay close attention.

The numbers are already showing a decline in diverse hiring. Without DEIB roles to implement and oversee important initiatives, what will happen to the workforce, and in turn the company’s bottom line?

The benefits of a diverse workforce are proven. A McKinsey study found that diversity can impact an organization’s bottom line. How? By:

  • Boosting creativity and innovation. Diverse thinking leads to more creativity. Bringing together multiple perspectives fosters new ways of thinking, which drives innovation.
  • Creating a more inclusive culture. A culture that encourages diversity cultivates an environment where people feel accepted and valued, which enhances employee engagement and boosts productivity. Such a culture helps to retain and attract talent.
  • Improving Decision Making. Research shows that diverse teams are better at making decisions – 87% of the time!

Making short-sided DEIB cuts to fix bottom line numbers now, could negatively impact the bottom line in the future by impeding the ability to develop and grow talent through diversity.

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COVID-19 Workplace Guidelines for 2023 – What Do We Do Now?

By Dan Darabaris


Three years into dealing with COVID-19, we’ve come to realize that this virus is here to stay for the time being, but the guidelines are becoming more lax with each passing day. The rigorous requirements of isolation and masking we dealt with for so long morphed and then morphed some more, again and again. With so many guideline changes, many employers are asking what policies are currently mandated for the workplace in 2023. The answer really depends upon where your business is located. While the CDC has updated its guidelines, states and cities have their own rules organizations must follow.

Current CDC COVID Guidelines

As of 2/1/23, the CDC recommends the following for the general public (non-healthcare workers):

Whether vaccinated or not, if you have COVID-19, you should isolate yourself from others. If you are sick and think you may have COVID, but you have not yet tested, you should also isolate. If you test negative, you can end the isolation, but if you are positive, you should follow the new isolation guidelines below.

Isolation Recommendations

If you tested positive, stay home for at least 5 days and isolate yourself. Wear a mask when around other people during this time.

How to Count Isolation Period

  • If you had no symptoms, Day 0 is the day you tested (not the day you received the results). Day 1 is the first full day after the day you tested. If you develop symptoms within 10 days of Day 0, the isolation clock restarts on the first day of symptoms.
  • If you had symptoms, Day 0 is the day your symptoms started, and Day 1 is the first full day after that.

When to End Isolation

  • If you didn’t have any symptoms, you can end isolation after Day 5.
  • If you had symptoms and they were improving, and you are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of medication), you can end isolation after Day 5, but you should wear a mask for around others until at least Day 11. If symptoms are not improving, you should isolate until you are fever-free for 24 hours and the symptoms start to improve.
  • If you experienced symptoms and had shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, you need to isolate through day 10.
  • If you were hospitalized or have a weakened immune system, you should isolate through Day 10 and consult a doctor before ending isolation.

Additional Guidelines

Regardless of when you stopped isolation, until Day 11, you should:

  • Avoid being around those you are more likely to get sick from COVID-19
  • Wear a mask around others unless you had 2 sequential negative antigen tests at least 48 hours apart 
  • Not go places where you cannot wear a mask until you can discontinue masking

Based on the above, if an employee has COVID-19, employers should follow these guidelines with regard to the employee’s ability to be present in the workplace, promptly notify workers of exposure, and of course follow any applicable leave laws. 

But more requirements may be in place as the CDC guidelines only supplement federal, state, local, and territorial health and safety laws, rules, and regulations. And those laws, rules, and regulations vary. Below are a few examples.

In New Jersey, there are no longer any specific COVID-19 worker rights and protections in place; however, the state does provide the following recommendations for businesses:

  • Follow the CDC guidelines
  • Encourage unvaccinated employees, customers, and guests to wear masks
  • If requiring masks or gloves, provide them to employees
  • Provide approved sanitization materials for employees and visitors at no cost 
  • Provide employees with sufficient break time for hand hygiene
  • Perform routine cleaning and disinfection of all high-touch areas
  • Conduct daily health checks before each shift (temperature screenings, symptom checking, questionnaires)
  • Keep sick employees from entering the workplace and follow the applicable leave laws
  • Encourage sick employees to stay home
  • Promptly notify employees of any known exposure to COVID-19 at the workplace

Although New Jersey doesn’t have any COVID-19-specific sick leave or job security policies, businesses are still required to follow existing sick leave and job protection laws.  Additionally, employers must abide by OSHA, which requires them to provide a safe and healthy workplace free from recognized hazards that are likely to cause death or serious harm – and the agency has been consistent during the pandemic that employers are obligated to prevent occupational exposure to COVID-19 under the general duty clause. In relation to COVID-19, OSHA specifically suggests that employers instruct workers who have COVID-19, those who are unvaccinated and have had close contact with someone who tested positive, and workers who have symptoms to stay home from work. 

So while New Jersey does not have any workplace rules in place, there are significant recommendations, and federal rules, that employers should follow.

New York has stated that it is following CDC guidance when it comes to COVID. In addition, it recently extended the state law requiring paid leave for COVID-19 vaccination effective date through December 31, 2023, and it continues to require employers to provide paid COVID-related leave.

In California, a bill was passed allowing employers to prominently display a notice regarding COVID exposure, where other notices are placed with the dates the employee with COVID was at the workplace, in lieu of written notice being sent to employees. 

As you can see with just the different laws in these three states, it’s important to stay up to date on what your state and local governments, along with the federal government, are requiring.

How to Proceed

While the wrath of COVID-19 may have subsided, employers need to be diligent. Moving forward, they should:

  • Follow current guidelines, rules, laws, and recommendations
  • Monitor federal and local law and rule changes
  • Keep on top of changing CDC guidelines
  • Be prepared for potential surges
  • Reinforce workplace safety
  • Continue to openly communicate with employees
remote worker

Labor Laws for Remote Workers – Be In the Know

By Dan Darabaris


The pandemic has changed where we work, and for many businesses this opens up the potential to have employees working in many states other than that of the business. To stay compliant, employers need to not only have a pulse on the tax, business, and employment laws in the state where the organization is located, but also where their remote workers reside. Tracking compliance changes will help ensure proper reporting and avoid possible penalties. 

Your HR team and employment counsel can help you keep abreast of all the changes that could impact your business. We like to use the compliance checklist below as a guide for our clients that have employees who work remotely outside of their state.

Remote Worker Compliance Checklist

Conducting Business

Does hiring an employee who will work remotely in another state constitute “conducting business” in that state? The answer varies by state, and usually depends upon the services the worker will be conducting and their role within the company. If it is determined that your business is conducting business in another state, you must register with that state to be given the authority to transact business there.

Payroll Tax and Withholding

Businesses may need to follow additional state payroll tax withholding, payment, and reporting requirements if they employ a remote worker. Your HR and legal counsel can help you identify if you have the requisite contacts that would cause these responsibilities to kick in, as well as if there is any reciprocity agreement between the two states that could help you avoid the requirements altogether.

Unemployment Insurance and Laws

Depending upon the Department of Labor’s Localization of Work Provisions’ 4-factor test, you may be required to report and pay unemployment insurance to the state where the remote worker resides. The four prongs relate to:

  1. Where are the services performed
  2. Where is the base of operations
  3. Where is the place of direction and control
  4. Where does the employee reside

Note that a state law could override this test.

State Labor and Employment Laws

When employing a remote worker, businesses must consider the employment laws of that worker’s state, such as:

  • Payroll
  • Hiring
    • At will employment
    • Pay transparency and salary history questions
    • Criminal history, background checks, and drug screening
  • Leave
    • Family leave
    • Disability leave
    • Paid time off
  • Insurance
    • Worker’s compensation
    • Healthcare
    • Disability
    • Business and professional liability

Remote work is here to stay, so employers need to stay on top of the laws that could impact them when hiring an employee who will work outside of the state where the company is headquartered.

If you need an HR team to help you stay compliant, the human resource professionals at Monarch Consulting are ready to assist you.

refuse to sign

Employee Refuses to Sign Handbook – What to Do

By Dan Darabaris


Employee handbooks are an important HR tool for any company. They outline everything from routines, such as start times and how to call in sick, to benefits, vacation, and overtime, to most importantly, policies, procedures, and rules. With so much key information contained in this document, it’s important to have employees sign an acknowledgement form that they have received the handbook and agree to follow it. 

Why Should You Obtain Their Signature? 

Because it helps protect the business. If you don’t have a written acknowledgement, you can get into battles over what the employee did and didn’t know, making it difficult if you need to write the employee up or wish to let them go.

But What Happens If an Employee Refuses to Sign?

Whether or not the employee signs the handbook, the policies and procedures outlined in the document still apply – and this is something that you should make clear to them. The purpose of the signed acknowledgement is to have documented proof that the employee was made aware of the policies, and you have other ways to document this.

Note the Refusal

Inform the employee that their refusal to sign does not exempt them from following all policies and procedures in the handbook. Then note that the employee was given a copy of the handbook, but refused to sign it. Be sure to make this notation along with the date. 

Include Refusal Language on the Acknowledgement Form Itself

You could alternatively include language on the acknowledgement form that allows the employee to indicate that they were presented with a copy of the handbook, read it, and refused to sign.

Review the Handbook with the Employee

Have staff members, preferably both a member of the HR team and a manager, review the contents of the handbook with the employee. These staff members should indicate on the acknowledgement form that the employee refused to sign and that they reviewed the document with the employee. They should then sign and date the form. If you choose this route, be sure the staff members go over every topic, answer any questions the employee may have, and ask them if they have any questions.

Ask the Employee Why They Don’t Want to Sign the Handbook

I recommend finding out why the employee does not want to sign the acknowledgement. There could be a myriad of reasons and you should uncover them. It could be that they don’t agree with some of the policies or simply that they don’t understand them. Having a conversation with the employee allows you to address their concerns and clear up any confusion – heading off issues down the road. You could start the conversation by asking questions like, “What about signing the handbook concerns you?” or “This handbook is meant to serve as a resource for all of us and the policies apply regardless of whether you sign or not. Why are you opposed to signing it?”

Having this conversation may help you identify issues around some of your policies that need to be addressed.

If employees are having concerns regarding handbooks and policies, it may be an indication of a systemic issue with your organization.  Monarch has the experience to help you uncover potential issues and work through whatever challenges your organization is facing.


outsource in house road sign

Interim HR Agencies Are Good for a Small Business’s Bottom Line

By Kimberly Kafafian


Looking to fill a vacant position on your HR team and don’t want to lose traction on your initiatives while finding the best person to fill the role full-time? 

Need the expertise of an HR professional but don’t have the need for a full-time employee? 

Have a short-term issue that requires the insight of a human resources expert?

An HR interim agency may be just what you need to get or keep the ball rolling – and keep compliant! 

The Benefits of Working with an Interim HR Agency

Interim or outsourced hr services can provide a number of benefits for your organization:

The Expertise without the Expense of an Employee

When you retain an interim HR agency, you can augment your human resources needs without having to add another full-time person to your payroll. That saves you time in recruiting, onboarding, and training. And with time being money, that is already savings. Outsourcing these services also saves you money you would have incurred on benefits, payroll taxes, workers’ compensation, etc. My clients have consistently found that outsourced HR support doesn’t cost as much as a full-time HR team. 

Short Term or Long Term Support – You Decide

When you hire an interim agency, you decide the length of the relationship. Maybe you just need temporary help while you’re recruiting a full-time candidate. An experienced human resources professional can easily transition into the role with little disruption to your business. 

Perhaps your HR needs only necessitate X number of hours per week. Interim services may be the most efficient option.

You may have experienced quick growth that demands immediate recruiting and onboarding support. An agency can step in and take the reins.

Or, as a seasonal business you don’t require year-round support. Interim HR professionals can come in on demand during your busy months.

When you outsource HR services, you can have as much or as little support as your individual circumstances require. You have the option of determining the amount of support you need, and the length of time you need it. This is ideal for many small businesses, whose operations don’t necessitate hiring a full-time human resources manager. 

Specialty Strategy

If you are dealing with an unexpected HR issue that requires specialized knowledge, you can leverage the breadth of experience an external human resources team offers. For example, while all of the Monarch Consulting HR pros are knowledgeable professionals who stay ahead of the curve when it comes to policy and regulation changes, each has their own focus and skill set, i.e., compensation, recruiting, learning and development, compliance, policies and procedures, etc. By hiring an interim agency, you are able to tap into the knowledge your issue needs and deserves by retaining the right professional for the circumstances.


The Right Level of HR Engagement Is YOUR Choice to Make

From on-demand to year-long support, Monarch Consulting HR Solutions helps manage your people, reduce your administrative workload, and free up time so you can focus on business success.

Call or email us to arrange a complimentary consultation.


reverse mentoring in the workplace

Reverse Mentoring Benefits  Employers and Employees

By Nicole Martin


Hearing the word mentoring usually conjures up images of an older, more experienced person guiding a younger worker on their career path. This is the traditional concept that many of us have experienced, whether we were the mentor or mentee. But there is a more modern version which is becoming increasingly popular because of its tremendous benefits called “reverse mentoring.” 

What Is Reverse Mentoring?

A twist on conventional mentoring, reverse mentoring involves younger workers guiding executives. You’re probably wondering “What is the benefit of that?” Well, the benefits are numerous and the positively impact both employers and employees.

The idea behind reverse mentoring is to provide executives with a fresh perspective along with helping boost their knowledge in the areas of technology, social media, and current trends – topics on which the younger generation has plenty to share. In essence, the executive learns from the junior – a refreshing and educational initiative.

The concept of reverse mentoring can either be a one-way mentorship, where the junior worker mentors the executive, or, it can be a dual-mentorship in which each party learns from the other. If you’ve ever seen the movie The Intern with Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway, you’ve witnessed this second option in action. De Niro plays a retiree who applies for a senior citizen internship program at a new company founded and run by Anne Hathaway. De Niro is assigned to work for Hathaway and a reverse mentorship evolves, where De Niro shares the wisdom he gained over his career with Hathaway, as she enlightens him on technology and trends. Both gain much from the experience.

The Benefits Reverse Mentoring Brings to the Workplace

Reverse mentoring benefits the mentor, the mentee, and the organization. Here are some of the positive impacts it has overall:

Intergenerational Awareness

A multigenerational workforce is critical to an organization’s success. The understanding and welcoming of different mindsets, ideologies, and approaches from different generations are integral to innovation and growth. Reverse mentoring enables organizations to pair workers across generational divides spurring new ideas and strategies. With four generations working together, this is crucial.

A Bottom Up Flow of Information

Having younger workers mentor executives fosters a reverse flow of information from the bottom up. This approach provides leadership with a more robust perspective of the company and operations overall through information on how the enterprise really works helping to address challenges and changes. It also offers insight on the right terminology to use in communications. All of this seeds ideas and aids in achieving goals. 

Improvement of Business Skills

The younger generation grew up with computers, the internet, and social media. It is no stranger to technology and online forms of communication, which creates and spreads trends like wildfire. Older executives can benefit from the in-depth knowledge these tech-savvy millennials and Gen Z can provide. This sharing of digital skills boosts data analysis and strategies.

Encouraging Communication

Newer workers may be so focused on pleasing management, that they avoid speaking up. Partnering with executives helps to build valued relationships, which in turn encourages the younger generation to share their ideas and concerns, as well as welcome collaborative opportunities. Such actions aid in creating a positive culture and enhance employee engagement.

Expanding Diversity

Pairing unlikely co-workers together helps expand diversity because it cultivates a sense of belonging. Rather than simply pair workers across generational divides, with reverse mentoring initiatives you can also seek out minority groups to expand views and ways of working.

Increased Retention

With reverse mentoring, younger workers feel like they are being heard, that their ideas are appreciated and welcomed, and that they are supported. This goes a long way to enhance culture, which in turn boosts engagement and retention. 

While reverse mentoring may be turning the traditional concept of mentoring on its head, it’s still founded on sharing experiences and making others feel supported – which not only benefits the mentor and mentee, but the workplace in general.


mentor and mentee in the workplace

How to Be a Good Mentor in the Workplace

By Nicole Martin


Mentoring someone at work is a great way to share your knowledge for the benefit of another. But it’s not just about providing information, guidance, or training. Being a good mentor also involves supporting and understanding your mentee as they move forward on their career journey. If you’ve taken on the role of mentor in your workplace, here are some tips for making sure the experience is beneficial for both you and your mentee.

8 Ways to Become a Better Mentor

1. Set Expectations and Goals

Every mentoring relationship is unique. So it’s important that you and your mentee set expectations right from the start. You should discuss topics like:

  • What the mentee expects from the relationship
  • The mentee’s goals
  • How often you should meet
  • Resources you can provide
  • How you will measure goal attainment
  • Maintaining open and clear communication
  • Creating agendas

One challenge I’ve seen in mentoring relationships is that the mentee begins to lean heavily on their mentor. Discussing how you each visualize the relationship will ensure that you find a common ground to work from.

2. Take a Genuine Interest in Your Mentee

The most effective mentoring relationships occur when the mentor takes an interest in the mentee both personally and professionally. By getting to know your mentee on a personal level, you will have a deeper understanding of who they are as a person, how they think, what makes them tick, what makes them happy. Building this stronger relationship will put you in a much better position when it comes to giving advice.

3. Communicate Effectively

The goal of mentoring is to put the mentee on a positive career trajectory. For that to happen, the relationship must be built on regular, open communication. That means that you should listen to your mentee, i.e., what they need, the struggles they are experiencing, the goals they want to achieve. You should encourage your mentee to ask questions, share their thoughts, and express their concerns. It is only through doing this that you will be able to support, guide, and encourage them. 

3. Share Your Experiences

The best way to mentor is by sharing your own experiences along your career journey. By being open about your successes, challenges, and failures, you are building trust and letting your mentee know that the struggles they are facing are not unique. Your transparency can provide a fresh perspective and much needed encouragement.

5. Offer Constructive Advice and Celebrate Achievements

To help your mentee achieve their work aspirations, it’s important that you provide feedback – both positive and constructive. As a mentor, you should not judge your mentee, but you are expected to guide them, and sometimes that means offering a little constructive criticism. One of the best ways to do so is by sharing your own experiences as an example. This allows you to educate so the mentee can improve without breaking their confidence. At the same time, you should encourage your mentee by celebrating their goal attainments and achievements. By highlighting their successes you are helping to build confidence and motivation.

6. Let the Mentee Make their Own Decisions

As a mentor, you are meant to provide guidance not directives. It is very important that you let your mentee make their own decisions. Just because you may know better from experience, your role is to help your mentee develop the knowledge and skills to make more informed decisions, not make them for them – even if it seems easier!

7. Be Empathetic

One leadership buzzword that has come to the forefront since the pandemic started is empathy. As a mentor, you are a leader, and the best leaders are empathetic. While you should share your experiences, don’t compare yourself to your mentee. You are each your own person, who will progress at their own rates. Try to understand your mentee’s perspectives, feelings, and circumstances.

8. Provide Opportunities

The overarching goal is to help your mentee grow and advance. A great way to foster that growth is by looking for and creating opportunities, such as getting the mentee involved in new projects that will help them develop the skills they need for that next promotion, connecting them with others who could be valuable resources (both in and outside of the workplace), or advising them of classes and workshops that will help them hone their skill set.  

By embracing the above actions, you can make the mentoring experience more meaningful for both yourself and your mentee.

mentor and mentee at work

How to Find a Good Mentor at Work

By Nicole Martin


The right mentor can propel your career on a positive trajectory. The valuable feedback and advice they share can help you land that coveted promotion, put you on the optimal path forward, or even open your eyes to new career opportunities. But just how do you go about finding the right mentor match to help you achieve your work aspirations? Below are some tips to assist you in identifying and connecting with a person who can positively impact your professional growth. 

How to Find the Right Mentor for You

Know Your Goals

In order to determine who can help you on your career journey, you first need to identify your goals – both long-term and short-term. Think about what you want to accomplish professionally in the next six months, one-year, and longer. Are there specific projects you want to work on or clients you want to work with? Is there a dream position you want to attain? When considering goals, I like to break them down into SMART goals – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant/Realistic, Time Bound. By doing this analysis, you can break down your goals into smaller and larger chunks, enabling you to see the bigger picture and understand what you need to do to reach your goals.

Think about What You’re Looking for in a Mentor

A good work mentor has certain qualities, such as more work experience, a track record of professional success, caring, invested in your success, authentic, honest, empathetic, shared values, and a good leader. These are all qualities that we hope to get in our managers, but unfortunately, it doesn’t always work out that way. What’s great about finding a mentor is that you get to choose the person who checks off the qualities you are looking for.

Look within Your Existing Professional Network

Start your search by considering people with whom you already have a relationship, such as past managers and colleagues; senior colleagues in your department or other departments; and leaders in your field that you know, follow, and respect. Consider who your role model is. You might know someone who has already been informally mentoring you. Think about who has previously provided you with support and feedback.

Look Beyond Your Network

Expand your options by searching for people who may be a few connections removed from you, belong to the same group or alma mater, or are experts you admire. Although connecting with those outside your professional network is a bit trickier, it isn’t impossible – if you approach it the right way, which I will address below.

Consider a Group of Mentors

There is no rule that you can only have one mentor. Depending upon your goals, you may want to consider seeking out a group of mentors. As the saying goes, it takes a village. Sometimes the support of different people with varying backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives can be the biggest help in propelling your career.

Taking the Leap 

Connecting with a mentor should be natural. Whatever you do, don’t ask “Will you be my mentor?” The mentor-mentee relationship should be formed casually. You could approach someone you already know with a work situation and say you could really use some advice and that you respect their opinion. If your ideal mentor is someone you don’t already have a relationship with, you should be straightforward as to why you’re reaching out. For example, if you want to change fields, you could say you are looking to speak with people who have experience in the field you wish to pursue and ask if they would be open to connecting with you to share their experiences. Do your research before you make any of these asks. You want the potential mentor to know that you have taken the time to learn about their career and achievements.

Setting Expectations

Once you form a relationship with a potential mentor, it is a good idea to discuss the details of how the mentorship will work. Will you be contacting your mentor as needed, or do you expect to schedule a regular meeting? Are you meeting virtually or in-person? Aligning on these details from the start will assure your mentor that you appreciate and respect the time that they will be dedicating to you.

Being a mentee is a valuable way to get career guidance. Hopefully these tips will help you find a good mentor that will help you achieve your work aspirations.