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At Monarch, we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and staying ahead in the ever-evolving field of Human Resources. Our blog, written by seasoned HR professionals and business leaders, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the latest trends, best practices, and insightful analysis. By providing regular updates and expert commentary, we aim to empower our readers with the information they need to navigate challenges, drive success, and foster a thriving workplace culture. Join us as we explore innovative solutions and strategies that enhance organizational growth.
Benefits of Neurodiversity in the Workplace
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOBy Kimberly Kafafian Neurodiversity is oftentimes an overlooked and marginalized aspect of our workplace. It’s a subject I am passionate about; I’m also a resident expert. I am neurodiverse. My sons are neurodiverse. Our employees and clients are neurodiverse. I spent a large portion of my life feeling like a square peg getting shoved into […]
New Report Concerning Gender Pay Equity
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOBy Kimberly Kafafian 3-15-22 Today is Equal Pay Day. For those who don’t know the significance of this day, in essence the date marks how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Why do we mark this measurement? It’s because for every $1.00 a white male […]
Embracing Returnships for Women to Combat Effects of Pandemic
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOBy Kimberly Kafafian I hate to say it because we’re in the middle of Women’s History Month, but we’re experiencing a “shecession”. This term was coined by C. Nicole Mason, president and chief executive of the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. And, unfortunately, it’s spot on. The pandemic disproportionately left millions of women out […]