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Mental Health Discrimination in the Workplace

Stopping the Stigma and Increasing Support By Kimberly Kafafian   If there was one good thing to come out of COVID, it was how it shone a light on mental health at work. Stress, fear, and anxiety pervaded our world. There is an epidemic of loneliness and sadness. The height of COVID served as the […]

What Is a Great Candidate Experience?

By Nicole Martin   As both a staffing / recruiting specialist and a career coach, I have a bird’s eye view of the candidate experience – and boy is it enlightening. Some of the application stories I hear from my career transition clients are incredibly frustrating, but they do offer valuable learning experiences that I […]

How Employee Wellbeing Impacts Your Bottom Line

By Kimberly Kafafian   Wellbeing and wellness may often be used interchangeably, but there is a distinct difference between the two terms. While wellness focuses on one’s overall health, wellbeing encompasses much more than that to also include how one is doing from a mental, career, social, financial, physical, and community perspective. Smart business leaders […]

Types of Paid Leave to Offer Your Workers

By Dan Darabaris   How competitive is your company’s paid leave? Do you have the right package to attract and keep the best workers? Paid time off can make a difference in recruiting and retaining top talent. Whether you offer it, and the length of it, can impact whether a candidate not only accepts a […]

Can Employees Refuse to Return to the Office?

By Kimberly Kafafian   Returning to work (RTO) is a divisive topic. It’s also a very personal one, as needs and desires vary across your workforce. Parents might enjoy the flexibility working from home affords, while younger workers may wish to physically collaborate in person amongst their peers. Others enjoy the freedom it brings, while […]

Workplace Perks Employees Value the Most

By Dan Darabaris   Having trouble attracting and retaining the right workforce even though you offer competitive wages? Maybe it’s time you reassess your benefits offering. Today’s workers want more than just a good paycheck. They’re prioritizing health, flexibility, and work-life balance. Do the perks you’re offering fit what candidates are seeking?  As an HR […]

Quiet Cutting is NOT a Good HR Strategy

By Kimberly Kafafian   Have you heard the latest HR buzzword: quiet cutting? Although not an original concept, this HR strategy has taken on a new name in light of the quiet quitting trend.  What Is Quiet Cutting? A recent Wall Street Journal article defined quiet cutting as notifying employees of reassignment rather than termination. […]

Signs of Leadership Burnout

By Kimberly Kafafian   Our client had a top performing manager that slowly stopped performing well. She was letting deadlines slip, not followed through on serious customer issues, and she wasn’t effectively managing her team (which in turn caused stress on her team, which stressed her out further). As their fractional Chief People Officer, I […]