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Ghosting Job Applicants is Bad for Business

By Kimberly Kafafian I am mindful that I sit on this side of the desk. We review hundreds of resumes each year, so we see firsthand how much work is involved in the pre-employment phase of the employee lifecycle. That being said, one of my loved ones is changing careers. Each time a recruiter connects […]

Employee Struggling with Mental Health:

How to Help By Kimberly Kafafian   You’ve picked up on the signs: showing up late to work, looking tired, missing deadlines, difficulty managing multiple tasks, easily frustrated, unable to accept feedback. Everything indicates that the employee may be struggling mentally and needs support. You want to help, but are unsure of what you should […]

Mental Health Activities in the Workplace

By Kimberly Kafafian   With January being Mental Wellness Month, it’s the perfect time to promote employee wellbeing with activities designed to reduce stress and foster a healthy mindset. While I encourage you to offer such activities throughout the year, highlighting them during this month is a great way to let your workforce know that […]

PTO for Mental Health:

How to Encourage Employees to Use It By Kimberly Kafafian   Stress in the workplace is nothing new, but until the pandemic, employee mental health was a topic rarely discussed or addressed. Now, thank goodness, it’s at the forefront of the employee experience – as it should be. A recent American Psychological Association survey found […]

Benefits of Good Mental Health in the Workplace

By Kimberly Kafafian   The state of an employee’s mental health can impact many aspects of an organization, from productivity and collaboration, to safety and turnover. Simply put, the mental health of a workforce plays a key role in a business’s bottom line. So placing mental wellbeing at the heart of workplace policies is just […]

Keeping Employees Engaged During the Holidays

By Kimberly Kafafian   While the holiday season is a festive time of year, it’s also when workforce productivity tends to take a dip. Between shopping, coordinating travel, and planning for gatherings with loved ones, employees’ minds may be on anything but business. Plus, the pressure to meet year-end goals can cause workers to burn […]

How to Deal with End of the Year Burnout

By Kimberly Kafafian If you’re living in a state of overwhelm during the month of December, you’re not alone. Although the holiday classic claims it’s the most wonderful time of the year, for many people it’s extremely stressful and anxiety-ridden. You’re juggling work duties, holiday to-do’s, normal responsibilities, end of year deadlines, and a jam-packed […]

The Difference Between Floating Holiday and PTO

By Kimberly Kafafian   As we enter the end of the year and many workers try to use, rather than lose, their paid time off (PTO), it’s the perfect time to address the difference between PTO and floating holidays. While both are forms of paid leave, it’s important to know the distinction between the two […]

PTO and the Holidays: What You Need to Know

By Kimberly Kafafian   The holidays are a busy time of year. For employees, there’s the shopping, wrapping, prepping for family celebrations, baking, and more. It’s no wonder December is such a popular month for workers to want to utilize their paid time off (PTO). Companies have their own hectic schedules during this time, with […]