Our Blog
At Monarch, we believe in the power of knowledge sharing and staying ahead in the ever-evolving field of Human Resources. Our blog, written by seasoned HR professionals and business leaders, is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the latest trends, best practices, and insightful analysis. By providing regular updates and expert commentary, we aim to empower our readers with the information they need to navigate challenges, drive success, and foster a thriving workplace culture. Join us as we explore innovative solutions and strategies that enhance organizational growth.
The Growing Importance of HR in an Organization’s Success
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOBy Kimberly Kafafian As the saying goes, a company is only as good as its people. We’ll take that a bit further and say that your people are only as good as the effort, the investment, you put into them. And that is where we come in; as Human Resources professionals play an integral […]
What to Do When an Employee Abandons their Job
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOBy Kimberly Kafafian One day an employee just doesn’t show up for work. No phone call, no email, no text – no explanation. The next day, the same thing occurs. And the day after that, still no contact. Their actions are impacting your ability to run your business. What can you do about their […]
Layoffs Are Impacting DEIB Progress
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by MonarchSEOThe recent sweeping layoffs across tech and other industries are cutting costs at the expense of DEIB. These moves are not only impacting workers’ livelihoods and the economy, they’re also affecting diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging initiatives. How? According to new data from Revelio Labs, DEIB positions are being disproportionately affected by the cuts. Eliminating […]